
The Uncorked Commerce eShop uses a series of Query Filters which can be configured to define the products that are shown on your eShop storefront. You can access these query filters from the Cloud Retailer Back-office under the Admin menu, by selecting Admin> Query Filters.


You should find a Query filter named [Main] - this filter is what controls the root product catalog for the eShop;

You may also have had a number of custom eShop categories setup. In our example eShop, we will create a query filter for a Wine Department. To do that, follow these steps.
  1. Navigate to Admin> Query Filters.
  2. Click Create New Query Filter.
  3. Name the filter as you would like it to appear on the eShop storefront.
  4. Click the QueryId drop-down, and select the EShop-Catalog  (EShop) query.
  5. Optionally, add a filter for Any Available equals true. This will limit the products displayed to those you have on-hand, less those which are committed to an existing order or hold at the store.
  6. Add a filter for Department equals Wine.
  7. Click the orange magnifier. Review the results and ensure that all products are as you expect them to be.
  8. Scroll down, select the Attribute Set dropdown and select EShop Group
  9. Populate the Description field with the Category description text you would like to display on your eShop storefront.
  10. If you'd like to list a picture under the Category listing on the eShop, you can add a URL to the PictureUrl. 
  11. Set the ordinal value for this Category. This number will determine in which order the category will be displayed on the eShop
  12. Click Save.
Now that we've created a top-level listing for our Wine items, let's create a category for Sparkling wine that is listed under the Wine category we created above.
  1. Navigate to Admin > Query Filters
  2. Click Create New Query Filter.
  3. Name the filter as you would like it to appear on the eShop storefront.
  4. In the Usage box, put the name of the parent eShop category - Wine in the example case.
  5. Click the QueryId drop-down, and select the EShop-Catalog  (EShop) query.
  6. Optionally, add a filter for Any Available equals true. This will limit the products displayed to those you have on-hand, less those which are committed to an existing order or hold at the store.
  7. Add a filter for Department equals Wine.
  8. Add a filter for Category equals Sparkling Wine.
  9. Click the orange magnifier. Review the results and ensure that all products are as you expect them to be.
  10. Scroll down, select the Attribute Set dropdown and select EShop Group
  11. Populate the Description field with the Category description text you would like to display on your eShop storefront.
  12. If you'd like to list a picture under the Category listing on the eShop, you can add a URL to the PictureUrl. 
  13. Set the ordinal value for this Category. This number will determine in which order the category will be displayed on the eShop
  14. Click Save.
Once you have completed updates to your eShop Query Filters. You will need to run the eShop catalog caching process, or your updates will not be displayed on the website until the next scheduled run of the job. Follow these steps to complete a manual run of the catalog update process
  1. Tools> Integration Processes
  2. Search for the 'EShop - Update Catalog Data' Integration process.
  3. Select the process and click 'Run Integration Process'
  4. On the subsequent page, click 'Run' 
  5. Wait for the process to complete and then re-load the eShop storefront to confirm your updates have correctly pushed over to the storefront.
