The Uncorked Commerce eShop uses a series of Query Filters which can be configured to define the products that are shown on your eShop storefront. You can access these query filters from the Cloud Retailer Back-office under the Admin menu, by selecting Admin> Query Filters.
You should find a Query filter named [Main] - this filter is what controls the root product catalog for the eShop;
You may also have had a number of custom eShop categories setup. In our example eShop, we will create a query filter for a Wine Department. To do that, follow these steps.
- Navigate to Admin> Query Filters.
- Click Create New Query Filter.
- Name the filter as you would like it to appear on the eShop storefront.
- Click the QueryId drop-down, and select the EShop-Catalog (EShop) query.
- Optionally, add a filter for Any Available equals true. This will limit the products displayed to those you have on-hand, less those which are committed to an existing order or hold at the store.
- Add a filter for Department equals Wine.
- Click the orange magnifier. Review the results and ensure that all products are as you expect them to be.
- Scroll down, select the Attribute Set dropdown and select EShop Group
- Populate the Description field with the Category description text you would like to display on your eShop storefront.
- If you'd like to list a picture under the Category listing on the eShop, you can add a URL to the PictureUrl.
- Set the ordinal value for this Category. This number will determine in which order the category will be displayed on the eShop
- Click Save.
- Navigate to Admin > Query Filters
- Click Create New Query Filter.
- Name the filter as you would like it to appear on the eShop storefront.
- In the Usage box, put the name of the parent eShop category - Wine in the example case.
- Click the QueryId drop-down, and select the EShop-Catalog (EShop) query.
- Optionally, add a filter for Any Available equals true. This will limit the products displayed to those you have on-hand, less those which are committed to an existing order or hold at the store.
- Add a filter for Department equals Wine.
- Add a filter for Category equals Sparkling Wine.
- Click the orange magnifier. Review the results and ensure that all products are as you expect them to be.
- Scroll down, select the Attribute Set dropdown and select EShop Group
- Populate the Description field with the Category description text you would like to display on your eShop storefront.
- If you'd like to list a picture under the Category listing on the eShop, you can add a URL to the PictureUrl.
- Set the ordinal value for this Category. This number will determine in which order the category will be displayed on the eShop
- Click Save.
- Tools> Integration Processes
- Search for the 'EShop - Update Catalog Data' Integration process.
- Select the process and click 'Run Integration Process'
- On the subsequent page, click 'Run'
- Wait for the process to complete and then re-load the eShop storefront to confirm your updates have correctly pushed over to the storefront.